Cloud Cluster for SyMSpace

We just developed a Cloud cluster portal for LCM in order to make cloud cluster ready to compute in less than 3 mouse clicks and provide access to different HPC and cloud computing resources. SyMSpace is an easy-to-use software platform that makes it possible to carry out digital development or optimization of mechatronic components and systems from the design stage up to prototype testing.

The SyMSpace digital development platform includes Component Space, Tool Space, and SyMSpace Center. In Component Space, the model library, users have available finished digital models of mechatronic systems and component. This model library is being extended continuously by LCM and users who have released their models.

In the SyMSpace Center – the “workbench”, digital models from the Component Space are linked together into a workflow. This means that you can use SyMSpace to configure an automated development loop consisting of design, optimization of the design, simulation under a wide variety of different boundary conditions, and adaptation of the design based on the simulation data. With large-scale simulations, you can customize computing resources (local CPU, LCM cluster cloud). It is possible to access SyMSpace and its software tools across the internet by means of an online portal. A number of international companies are already using SyMSpace successfully.

Project COLA


Funded by

The Linz Center of Mechatronics (LCM) was founded in 2001, its daily operations are research and development in the field of mechatronics. They deal with scientific research up to ready solutions and products, e.g. the software-tool SyMSpace.

Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH

Dr Siegfried Silber
+43 732 2468-6002

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