Two of our team members attended the FitSM Standard workshop, co-located with the EGI conference. FitSM is a free and lightweight standards' family aimed at enabling effective IT service management in the broadest range of organisations. They open up anew world of standards and recommendations for sustainable and efficient service management.
FitSM is based on the former FedSM project, funded in the 7th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development by the European Union. The original aim of FedSM was to increase the maturity and effectiveness of Service Management in federated e-Infrastructures by applying suitable good practices.
FitSM and ITSM
To establish management processes across federated organizational structures is not considered in traditional ITSM frameworks, and can pose a difficult task when trying to introduce ITSM in E-infrastructures which often distribute the provisioning of services among a federation of peer organisations.
A one-fits-all set of SM-practices for SMB/SMEs
However, a much larger challenge to introducing ITSM turned out to be the adaptation of the very comprehensive ITSM guidance described by traditional ITSM frameworks to a set of practices that could realistically be implemented in relatively small organisations. Since the raising interest in FedSM's "lightweight" ITSM guidance by IT organisations from outside the e-Infrastructure community, the project consortium started publishing revised versions project deliverables under the FitSM name.
Project COLA
Funded by
The team members have announced on their FedSM project website that the FitSM standards will continue to be maintained in the future within the framework of a working group of ITEMO. „IT Education Management Organisation“, or „ITEMO“ for short, is a partnership of specialists in the field of IT management and includes experts from science and industry, consulting and training companies as well as other organisations and associations.
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