The finite capacity Advanced Planning and Scheduling optimization system by MangoGem can be automated and used in real-time. It improves multiple KPIs, like costs, resource utilization, OTD, OEE, throughput and cycle-times, while taking into account the constraints of all kinds of manufacturing and human resources.
ORITAMES APS AI-based Optimization provides multi-objective, multi-projects and multi-resources optimization in areas such as finite capacity manufacturing scheduling, sales ...
decision support
planning efficiency
multi-criteria optimization
learning effects
For which industries are the ORITAMES APS systems suitable?
The Advanced Planning and Scheduling Optimizer is open to any industry, MangoGems APS is suited for discrete manufacturing industries, logistics and routing operations and service organizations. It is dedicated to finite capacities and multi-criteria optimizations of KPI's, projects and all other resources that are needed to be taken into account. Next to the high adaptivity in industries, the prime APS System provides interfaces for common ERP systems and can even be used without.
Flexibility is key
MangoGem's Advanced Planning and Scheduling System is flexible and generic to be used in different kinds of industries and organizations. It is ideal for large or complex data sets under diverse constraints.