cloudSME invited by the EC - This year's edition of the DIH Annual Event took place in Warsaw and, was co-organized with the European Commission, the Department of Innovation at the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, and the EU-funded initiative I4MS.
On this occasion, cloudSME was invited by the European Commission to share the panel with other SMEs and partake their experience as a project funded by the EC. Andreas Ocklenburg, the cloudSME CEO, was invited to talk about how cloudSME was born and then developed as a successful project.
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Jadwiga Emilewicz, Minister of entrepreneurship and technology Poland, opened the event. This time, the goal for the event was to bring together SMEs, start-ups, RTOs, DIHs, and policy-makers from all around Europe with the objective of reinforcing the capacity of DIHs to support StartUps and SMEs in their digital transformation.
The event took place in the context of preparation for the new Multi-Annual Financial Framework, featuring the proposed Digital Europe Programme highly on the agenda. There were different sessions planned in the programme which helped the organizations and competence centers to set up fully functional DIHs, strengthen their technology and innovation as well as training services. The main objective is through this sessions, building new EU value chains. The meetings and talks were very important to spread the presence of DIHs to under-represented territories.
Andreas Ocklenburg was invited by the European Commission to share his experience and through it, help other SMEs to develop their product improvement and services by adopting digital technologies. He pointed out that Europe needs to work together in a holistic way to make the most of Digital Innovation Hubs.
Project COLA
Funded by
There is a slight delay in European companies regarding digitalization processes. This puts at risk the ability of the European Union to compete in the global economy to create new jobs and thus grow at a good pace. With the DIHs help, small and medium enterprises will help them in their digital transformation, offering services such as test before invest, support to find investments, skills and training, and an Innovation ecosystem and networking.
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