EOSC DIH Collaboration

EOSC DIH Collaboration

We are happy to announce the collaboration with the EOSC Digital Innovation Hub to support the embracing network of Europe. Our objectives are to accelerate the development of business pilots and to connect companies with the right partners within the network and beyond. The detailed collaboration agreement can be found in the Information Management System of EGI/EOSC.

The EOSC Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) is a mechanism for private companies to collaborate with public sector institutions in order to access technical services, research data, and human capital. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was officially launched on 23rd of November in the year 2018,

Since April 2016, the pan-European DIH network was established by the European Commission, they proposed the Digital Innovation Hubs as a key priority in the "Digitising European Industry Initiative". Digital innovation hubs (DIH) should help to ensure that every company, small or large, high-tech or not, can grasp the digital opportunities.

Stay with the facts, read more about pan-European network of DIHs!

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