Project COLA completed

Since January 2017, funded with a grant value of EUR 3,535,000, the European Innovation Action COLA developed MiCADO, a modular multi-cloud framework to automate application deployment and optimise and auto-scale application clusters at run-time both at virtual machine and Kubernetes deployment levels.


UPDATE: MiCADOscale v0.9.1

MiCADO v0.8.0 - Auto scaling framework

The MiCADO Master Node supports the operation, management and monitoring of applications based on specific parameters such CPU or network traffic, detecting bottlenecks, and realizing the auto scaling control loops. The desired deployment and run-time characteristics of the application are defined in a TOSCA-based Application Description Template (ADT) that provides all relevant information, application requirements, infrastructure characteristics and scaling policies to roll out the Infrastructure and manage the application cluster. Additionally, scaling decision can be further improved with a machine learning-based optimiser.

Industrial demonstrators

During the project’s lifetime, MiCADOscale was implemented in three near large-scale production demonstrators and further proof of concepts.

MiCADO Master is deployed on a virtual machine via an Ansible Playbook, configured as the Kubernetes Master Node and has installed:


  • the Docker Engine,
  • Occopus to scale VMs,
  • Prometheus for monitoring,
  • the COLA Policy Keeper to act on scaling decisions and
  • the COLA Submitter to provide a submission endpoint.

Project COLA


Funded by

Time is up for COLA

After 33 months of collaboration, travelling through Europe and developing MiCADO, Project COLA is coming to its end. However, MiCADO will be further developed the University of Westminster, MTA SZTAKI and cloudSME. The COLA Project received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731574. The project website will be maintained for the coming years.

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